Share My Creation Automatic File Mover - Move/copy files from any directory to any other

Hi everybody,

File Mover makes it easy to handle your latest download files.

File Mover distributes your files automatically from different source folders to different target folders.

For example, .MP3 files from /sdcard/download to /sdcard/music. And .PDF Files from /sdcard/external_sd/office to /sdcard/Documents...

Just define Copy or Move tasks in this app. Define the file identifier (a search string within the file name), source directory and target directory and decide, if the file should be copied or moved.

After that, chose 'Start Service' from the app menu. That's it.

File Mover service runs as long as you don't stop the service. Every time new files show up in your source folder, File Mover will handle them as you defined it.

Best regards,



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Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
heeey...very nice :) and useful app
its a similar concept to my app :p
are you using the FileObserver library to keep watching directories?
I just have two questions:
What is the effect on battery life?
Can you watch subfolders?

i'll give it a go

Where can I find your app?

No, I don't use FileObserver. My service is checking every 30 seconds, effect on battery life is not really measurable.

If you want to handle .PDF files in /sdcard/downloads you specify that in a task. If you want to also handle .PDF files in /sdcard/downloads/more (subfolder), you would create another task for that. Each task ignores any subfolders. In my opinion that is the most useful way to handle subfolders.

Best regards,



Licensed User
Longtime User
Where can I find your app?
Obviously it deals with remote transfers to Dropbox but its a similar concept.

No, I don't use FileObserver. My service is checking every 30 seconds, effect on battery life is not really measurable.
I see. I dont know which method is better, I guess they will both be similar.

The UI needs some work especially the filebrowser. It is not very clear that 'long click' will select a folder. Anyway this is a useful software.


Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User

The UI needs some work especially the filebrowser. It is not very clear that 'long click' will select a folder. Anyway this is a useful software.
Yes, file browser is terrible.

I will take a look at your app. The screens look great!

EDIT: As I don't have a Dropbox account, it seems that I won't be able to get around the login screen of your app...!?

Best regards,

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