This library wraps the GooglePlayBilling base library. It returns the results in structures as they are built in the Google accounting system.
The library does not display any messages; it only returns results: BillingResult, ProductResult, or PurchasedResult. It also generates the events described below.
When a ProductResult is returned, first read the ResponseCode value. If equal to CODE_OK, load the data from the list; otherwise, handle an error.
The principle of using the library is in the example application.
Author: Jerryk
Version: 1.0
Add to the manifest editor:
to store in-app product
Type InAppProduct (
to store subscription product
Type SubsProduct (
to store SubscriptionOfferDetails
Type SubsOffer (
to store PricingPhases
Type PricingPhase (
to store returned result
Type ProductResult (
to store purchased items
Type PurchasedResult (
The library does not display any messages; it only returns results: BillingResult, ProductResult, or PurchasedResult. It also generates the events described below.
When a ProductResult is returned, first read the ResponseCode value. If equal to CODE_OK, load the data from the list; otherwise, handle an error.
The principle of using the library is in the example application.
Author: Jerryk
Version: 1.0
Add to the manifest editor:
CreateResourceFromFile(Macro GooglePlayBilling.GooglePlayBilling)
to store in-app product
Type InAppProduct (
ProductId As String _
ProductType As String _
Title As String _
Name As String _
Description As String _
PriceAmountMicros As String _
PriceCurrencyCode As String _
FormattedPrice As String )
to store subscription product
Type SubsProduct (
ProductId As String _
ProductType As String _
Title As String _
Name As String _
Description As String _
SubscriptionOfferDetails As List )
to store SubscriptionOfferDetails
Type SubsOffer (
BasePlanId As String _
OfferId As String _
OfferToken As String _
OfferTags As List _
PricingPhaseList As List )
to store PricingPhases
Type PricingPhase (
BillingCycleCount As String _
BillingPeriod As String _
FormattedPrice As String _
PriceAmountMicros As String _
PriceCurrencyCode As String _
RecurrenceMode As String )
to store returned result
Type ProductResult (
ResponseCode As Int _
ProductsList As List)
to store purchased items
Type PurchasedResult (
ItemPurchased As Boolean _
ProductPurchased As Purchase)
- PurchaseCompleted (p As Purchase)
The event will be raised when the PurchaseInAppProducts or PurchaseSubsProducts function is called with a result of IsSuccess = True for each SKU separately. The passed parameter is p As Purchase.
- PurchaseError (Result As BillingResult)
The event will be raised when the PurchaseInAppProducts or PurchaseSubsProducts function is called with a result of IsSuccess = False. The parameter passed is Result As BillingResult.
- Initialize (Callback As Object EventName As String AppPublicKey As String)
AppPublicKey = Licensing Public Key from Google Play Console
- GetInAppProducts (lSKUs As List) As ResumableSub
return ProductResult
getss all available INAPP products (including disabled!!!!)
- GetSubscriptions (lSKUs As List) As ResumableSub
return ProductResult
getss all available SUBS products
- PurchaseInAppProducts (lSKUs As List) As ResumableSub
return BillingResult
purchase INAPP product
- PurchaseSubsProducts (lSKUs As List offertoken As String) As ResumableSub
return BillingResult
purchase SUBS product
- IsPurchased (skuType As String sku As String) As ResumableSub
return PurchasedResult
if PurchasedResult.ItemPurchased is True Sku is purchased
- GetPurchasedProducts As ResumableSub
return ProductResult
gets list of all purchased products
- ConsumeProducts (skuType As String sku As String) As ResumableSub
return BillingResult
consume product
- AcknowledgeProducts (p As Purchase) As ResumableSub
return BillingResult
acknowledge product VerifyPurchase is called before acknowledging
- ReturnResponseMessage (Result As Int) As String
return error string responded to error code defined in BillingResult
Added two codes:
CODE_NO_INAPP - return if no in-app SKU in Google Play Console
CODE_NO_SUBSCRIPTION - return if no subs SKU in Google Play Console
- message_xxxx (Message As String)
It is possible to localize a text message for each error.
How to test the example on your Google Play Console?- Change in >Build Configurations>Package to match your application.
- In the example, enter your ID for LICENSE_KEY and SKUs
LICENSE_KEY = "MIIBIjAN......................"
gpb.Initialize(Me, "gpb", LICENSE_KEY)