B4A Magazine

This magazine was bought by me in a local bookstore just when I started to know about B4A! It is like the God wanted me to get into B4A. There are many coincidences in my life and this is one of them due to my strong energy of "Law of Attraction".

I once donated some of my programming books together with this magazine to a local community library. When the library is closed, I took back this magazine.

This magazine is very valuable. It marks the start of my journey in B4X. However, I want to confess, I don't even finish 50% of the pages! I was too excited to create my own apps with B4A.

Things like this is good! What is the thing? Being featured on a magazine!

It has been quite long time I didn't buy magazines. Due to my financial situation. I used to buy a lot of "Linux Format" and "Linux User & Developer" magazines from bookstore. I can claim personal tax relief with book purchases. My first Linux mag was a Beginner's Guide to Linux (Ubuntu 8.04). Unfortunately, I don't become expert in Linux.

Lastly, I think B4X should be featured more on popular magazines or any platforms like software review blogs or some KOLs' YouTube channels.

Note: I don't know I have shared this before or would cause any copyright infringement if I posted the photos.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
It is like the God wanted me to get into B4A.
I feel the same. I bought this magazine (in portuguese) in 2015 and post it in the forum.
