Spanish [B4A - Noticia] Nueva versión 1.8 de Basic4Android para Enero de 2012


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Erel, Administrador de Basic4android (Basic for Android) - Rapid Application Development ha informado que la futura versión 1.8 de Basic4Android sera publicada en este próximo mes de Enero del año 2012 y tiene como novedades las siguientes:

The next version will be released during January.

The main three improvements are:

Code editor
As I posted here and here, the code editor will be "more intelligent".



- Automatic case correction of variables and subs (based on their declaration).
- Highlighting of undeclared variables.
- Highlighting of global variables.
- And a very useful new "find all references tool". From my experience with other IDEs this tool is the one that I use most when working on large projects.

Code obfuscation
The purpose is to make it harder to decompile your code.
- Strings obfuscation - Important for all kinds of account keys.
- Subs and variables renaming - Makes the decompiled code much harder to analyze.

Manifest file editor
The new editor will allow you to add elements to the dynamic manifest file.
It should make it easier to integrate other libraries without the hassle of updating the manifest file manually.
More information about the editor will be available soon...

The new version will also include other improvements and bug fixes.
The full list will be posted before the release.

Fuente: Update about Basic4android 1.8


Licensed User
Longtime User
Excelente noticia!
Muchas gracias por compartirla JorgeMC. Son mejoras MUY buenas en definitiva. A seguir aprendiendo. :cool: