Android Question B4A Radio Buttons


Please could someone point me towards a beginner's guide to using radio buttons. I can see they should be contained within a panel but have not figured out how to link them together or make them visible.


Brian Dean

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If you put several radio buttons into the same panel so that the panel is the parent of all of them then the buttons will look after themselves; only one button will be checked at a time.

An easy way to handle them is to give them different Tag valued but have them all share the same handler.

Here is an example. There are a lot of other options, but this should get you going.


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That simple example was enormously helpful, thank you.

I have learnt how to tie the buttons to the panel and a use for Tag. Both of which are obvious for someone who already knows but not obvious to a beginner reading the documentation.
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Brian Dean

Well-Known Member
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As long as they have the same event name, they are still mutually exclusive
Well, I never knew that, and I have been using B4A for seven years.

[Edit : And now that I have tested this out, I am not sure that it is true.]
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