b4a v2.70 and geocoder


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Hi folks,

I have an app I have been working which included a map activity. After upgrading from v2.5 to v2.70 the map stopped going to the locations. I checked and found that locations were no longer being returned from the geocoder.

I then obtained the latitude and longitude of an address from another web system I have written and tried them in the geocode demo version and it also returned nothing.

Is there something new in v2.70 that has caused geocoder problems? As I am new to this new world is there any setting on my phone that I may have upset? That seems unlikely as the map no longer works on my tablet as well.

Thank you,


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sometimes geocoder fails in my app also but I discovered that when happens the internet connection also is down (seems connected, but it isn't).
Rebooting the device or switching off and on again 3g and wifi then it works.
I don't know if this info is useful for you.
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Hi Marco and Martin,

Thank you for your advice - it worked. No substitute for experience!

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