Android Question B4A WebView html load size

Pedro Caldeira

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Hello All,
a trick question for the experts ;)
I have a WebView that needs to display html reports, I get an memory error when the html (have lots of pictures) and its size is greater than 20 mb. Is that normal ?
Is the a limit to what a WebView can load, other than the device's memory, of course, or the error is directly related to the device's memory ?



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Longtime User
I guess it is directly related to the free memomy on the device. probably the images are loaded in full size (and uses max ram) instead of smaller/resized images.
Sounds like a mistake to use webview at all for me. Also probably webview does not reuse images. All of them are loaded into memory even if 99% of them are out of the visible screen (in case you are using hundrets/thousands images).
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