B4J Question B4J RDC Connection to Mysql


Licensed User
Hi All,

I am new to B4A but I've managed to get a couple of simple apps working on my Android device. I'm now trying to develop a simple database application by connecting the device to MySql on my laptop. However, I'm afraid I have reached an impasse with the RDC set up that Erel provided some time ago. I've got JrDC2 working, I think(!) At least, I get a message that it's running but when I test the connection to MySql with


there is a delay and then I get the message

RemoteServer is running (03/01/2018 13:35:02)
Error fetching connection.

Is it my MySql setup? I've used my username and password in the B4J config file and I have set full privileges for myself on the server. Anything else I should do?

Thanks. Help will be appreciated.


Licensed User
Good question. It has been running for days. In fact it wouldn 't shut down. But now it has stopped (don't know when) and it won't start again. See attached screenshot. What's going on?!!


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