Other B4J Retriever Utility program to search in code files

Retriever is a little utility program we have been using for years.
It allows the user to search through files for different code examples.
Retriever will search in .b4j and .bas files for the text and display it in a list.
The files found can be selected and a View window displays the Line Number and the line of text where Retriever found the text.
Retriever can open the file in the B4J editor for .b4j files and in MS WordPad for .bas files.
Unzip the attached file and it can be placed anywhere as it does not need installation.

Have fun!

Update to B4JRetriever.exe - download Retriever_Fix1.zip - uncompress - use the B4JRetriever.exe by copying it to the original download folder and thereby replacing the B4JRetriever.exe that was in original download (B4JRetriever.zip).

Found a small bug in the search pattern. Fixed. Status Bar now shows better info!

NEW - Can now search in CSS files!

Update: 8-07-2014 - B4JRetriever with CSS - 2 (Use Help File from B4JRetriever with CSS.zip)


  • B4JRetriever.zip
    511.3 KB · Views: 549
  • Retriver_Fix1.zip
    36.2 KB · Views: 484
  • B4JRetriever with CSS.zip
    511.8 KB · Views: 469
  • B4JRetriever with CSS - 2.zip
    40.8 KB · Views: 467
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Thanks for this tool!
Would it be hard to make an switchable version to use it in B4A too?


Active Member
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Longtime User
Thanks for this tool!
Would it be hard to make an switchable version to use it in B4A too?

Would have to look at the files first - however it should be easy to do for B4A.


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Very usefull.
is it a B4J program?
Can you share source code please?



Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Very usefull.
is it a B4J program?
Can you share source code please?


The source code is in C type language which i have been using for a long time on other projects.

A good project for someone keen to do it in B4J... The Help file is adequate for a developer to follow.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi BPak,
thanks for this tool!

Works fine and I think I'll use it a lot.



Active Member
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An update fix for the B4JRetriever program is posted in top post.


Active Member
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Longtime User
An update for the B4JRetriever is now in Post #1.
I often find a need to look up info on CSS and have updated B4JRetriever which now allows for searching in CSS files.

The CSS file will be opened in WordPad.


Active Member
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Longtime User
B4J has had a bug fix. The program was not reading the files correctly, and missing some Line Numbers in the View Window.

We have extended the ability of the Line Reading for longer lines which appears to have fixed this issue.

Users can unzip the file 'B4JRetriever with CSS 2.zip' and use the program from the unzipped folder.

If a user already is using the B4JRetriever program then the B4JRetriever.exe from this Download can be used to replace a old B4JRetriever.exe. This keeps all the Folders and Keywords that have been set up.

Or use the new download and copy the 'folders.txt' and 'keywords.txt' file from the old B4JRetriever Folder.

The Help file is not included in this Download.

For Download of 'B4JRetriever with CSS - 2' see first post.