[B4X] Ping Languages json file

Sergio Haurat

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Dear all,

In the case of B4J, I'm doing the same thing I did with B4A:
- Use shell to ping a destination by adding timeout and retry parameters.
- Capture text, use RegEx to separate groups. Thanks @JohnC for your help with RegEx

My request for each of you who wants to collaborate is the following.
If you use a Windows operating system, ping google.com or any other site and reply to this post with the text (not the image). You should verify that the language is not within the list that can be seen below. As you collaborate, I will add the identification of the languages to this initial post.


  • es / 850
Need to be checked
  • en / 437
  • pt / 860
  • ru / 866
Without Information
  • Slavic / 852
  • Cyrillic / 855
  • Turkish / 857
  • Icelandic / 861
  • Canadian-French / 863
  • Nordic / 865
  • Modern Greek / 869
  • West European Latin / 1252
  • UTF-7 / 65000
  • UTF-8 / 65001

‼️To know the "Encoding" code, in the terminal run "chcp"‼️
  "es": {
    "Encoding": "850",
    "Encoding_description": "Multilingual (Latin I) - default code page in most of Europe",
    "Pining": "Haciendo ping a remotehost [] con 0 bytes de datos:",
    "Pinging_regex": "Haciendo ping a ([^ ]+) \\[([^\\]]+)\\].*",
    "Reply": "Respuesta desde bytes=0 tiempo=0ms TTL=0",
    "Reply_regex": ".*desde ([^ ]+): bytes=([0-9]+) tiempo=([0-9.]+)ms TTL=([0-9]+)",
    "Statistics": "Estadísticas de ping para",
    "Statistics_regex": "Estadísticas.*",
    "StatsLine1": "Paquetes: enviados = 0, recibidos = 0, perdidos = 0",
    "StatsLine1_regex": "Paquetes: enviados = ([0-9]+), recibidos = ([0-9]+), perdidos = ([0-9]+)",
    "StatsLine2": "Mínimo = 0ms, Máximo = 0ms, Media = 0ms",
    "StatsLine2_regex": "Mínimo = ([0-9]+)ms, Máximo = ([0-9]+)ms, Media = ([0-9]+)ms",
    "General_failure": "Error general.",
    "General_failure_regex": ".*Error general.*"

  "en": {
    "Encoding": "437",
    "Encoding_description": "United States - default code page in the US",
    "Pinging": "Pinging remotehost [] with 0 bytes of data:",
    "Pinging_regex": "Pinging ([^ ]+) \\[([^\\]]+)\\].*",
    "Reply": "Reply from bytes=0 time=0ms TTL=0",
    "Reply_regex": ".*from ([^ ]+): bytes=([0-9]+) time=([0-9.]+)ms TTL=([0-9]+)",
    "Statistics": "Ping statistics for",
    "Statistics_regex": "Ping statistics.*",
    "StatsLine1": "Packets: Sent = 0, Received = 0, Lost = 0",
    "StatsLine1_regex": "Packets: Sent = ([0-9]+), Received = ([0-9]+), Lost = ([0-9]+)",
    "StatsLine2": "Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms",
    "StatsLine2_regex": "Minimum = ([0-9]+)ms, Maximum = ([0-9]+)ms, Average = ([0-9]+)ms",
    "General_failure": "General failure.",
    "General_failure_regex": ".*General failure.*"
  "pt": {
    "Encoding": "860",
    "Encoding_description": "Portuguese",
    "Pinging": "Disparando [] com 0 bytes de dados:",
    "Pinging_regex": "Disparando ([^ ]+) \\[([^\\]]+)\\].*",
    "Reply": "Resposta de bytes=0 tempo=0ms TTL=0",
    "Reply_regex": ".*de ([^ ]+): bytes=([0-9]+) tempo=([0-9.]+)ms TTL=([0-9]+)",
    "Statistics": "Estadísticas do Ping para",
    "Statistics_regex": "Estadísticas.*",
    "StatsLine1": "Pacotes: Enviados = 0, Recebidos = 0, Perdidos = 0",
    "StatsLine1_regex": "Pacotes: Enviados = ([0-9]+), Recebidos = ([0-9]+), Perdidos = ([0-9]+)",
    "StatsLine2": "Mínimo = 0ms, Máximo = 0ms, Média = 0ms",
    "StatsLine2_regex": "Mínimo = ([0-9]+)ms, Máximo = ([0-9]+)ms, Média = ([0-9]+)ms",
    "General_failure": "Falha geral.",
    "General_failure_regex": ".*Falha geral.*"
  "ru": {
    "Encoding": "866",
    "Encoding_description": "Russian",
    "Pinging": "Обмен пакетами с remotehost [] с 0 байтами данных:",
    "Pinging_regex": "Обмен пакетами с ([^ ]+) \\[([^\\]]+)\\].*",
    "Reply": "Ответ от число байт=0 время=0мс TTL=0",
    "Reply_regex": ".*от ([^ ]+): число байт=([0-9]+) время=([0-9.]+)мс TTL=([0-9]+)",
    "Statistics": "Статистика Ping для",
    "Statistics_regex": "Статистика.*",
    "StatsLine1": "Пакетов: отправлено = 0, получено = 0, потеряно = 0",
    "StatsLine1_regex": "Пакетов: отправлен = ([0-9]+), получено = ([0-9]+), потеряно = ([0-9]+)",
    "StatsLine2": "Минимальное = 0мс, Максимальное = 0мс, Среднее = 0мс",
    "StatsLine2_regex": "Минимальное = ([0-9]+)мс, Максимальное = ([0-9]+)мс, Среднее = ([0-9]+)мс",
    "General_failure": "Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса.",
    "General_failure_regex": ".*запроса*"
Something important to note, my time zone is GMT-3
Thanks for your participation


  • os.lang.ping.json.zip
    1.4 KB · Views: 117
Last edited: