B4A Library [B4X] SP IFStatus - Check if interface status (WiFi, cell network data or LAN) has enabled or disabled

  • IFStatus
    • Events
      • SocketStarted (Port As Int)
        Triggers when the socket starts
      • SocketClosed
        Triggers when socket closes
      • ConnectionStatusChanged (IPStatus As tpeIPs)
        Triggers when there is a change in the connection. Returns a tpeIPs type variable. See details below
      • Error (Msg As String)
        Trigger when an error occurs, they can be the following:
        • Socket not initialized.
        • The IP format is not valid. Includes IPv4 or IPv6
        • Can't initialize socket.
        • Can't initialize socket on port NUM_OF_PORT
        • Socket is already initialized on port NUM_OF_PORT
    • Types
      • tpeIPs (IsConnected As Boolean, ConnType As String, IP As String)
        • IsConnected: True or False
        • ConnType: NONE (B4X), WIFI (B4A/B4I), CELL (B4A/B4I) or LAN (B4J)
        • IP: Valid IPv4 or IPv6
    • Fields
      • Tag As Object
        Default: Null (It is always valuable to have a Tag field ;))
      • IPs As tpeIPs
        Default: IsConnected = False, ConnType = "NONE", IP: ""
      • blnIPv4IsValid As Boolean
        Default: false
      • blnIPv6IsValid As Boolean
        Default: false
    • Methods
      • Initialize (CallBack As Object, EventName As String)
        Initializes the object. Add parameters to this method.
      • Start (Port As Int)
        Start the socket on the desired port
        IMPORTANT: The number can be 0 or one greater than or equal to 1025 up to 65535.
        Search on
        this list of ports for one that is available and does not conflict with another service
      • GetIfChanged (ForceRaiseStatus As Boolean)
        Update IPs variable
        Default: False. If ForceRaiseStatus is True, raise event ConnectionStatusChanged whether the IP has changed or not
      • Close
        Close socket
Change log:
  • 1.00
    • Release
Sub Class_Globals
    Private Root As B4XView
    Private xui As XUI
    Private ifSts As IFStatus
    Private btnCheck As Button
End Sub

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    ifSts.Initialize(Me, "SPIFStatus")
End Sub

Private Sub SPIFStatus_SocketStarted (Port As Int)

End Sub

Private Sub SPIFStatus_SocketClosed

End Sub

Private Sub SPIFStatus_ConnectionStatusChanged (IPStatus As tpeIPs)
    If ifSts.IPs.IsIfConnected Then
        Log("--- Interface General info ---")
        Log("Interface connected?: " & ifSts.IPs.IsIFConnected)
        Log("Connection type: " & ifSts.IPs.ConnType)
        Log("Local IP: " & ifSts.IPs.IP)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub SPIFStatus_Error (Msg As String)

End Sub

Private Sub btnCheck_Click
    If Not (ifSts.IPs.IsIfConnected) Then
    End If
End Sub

The result in the log


  • IFStatus.b4xlib
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