Android Question B4XComboBox text color

Nitin Joshi

Active Member
Licensed User
Hi, I am using B4XComboBox in my project. Even if i set any text color, when i run the app text color is black. why it is so?


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Longtime User
B4XComboBox is based on Spinner (.cmbBox)

ComboBox1.cmbBox.TextColor = Colors.Red
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Nitin Joshi

Active Member
Licensed User
It worked, thanks a lot!

One more thing, I want to use combo box to select multiple values, like checked items. is it possible?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
One more thing, ....

Always best to start a new thread for a new question .

I want to use combo box to select multiple values, like checked items. is it possible?

I do not think this is possible with B4XComboBox (or even Spinner)

You could easily fabricate a similar combobox view based on a CustomListView (with multiple selection)

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