B4J Question B4XPages: how to understand which page is visible ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, All

How to understand where we are now in the app ?
How to understand if some page is visible now ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
But how to check some Page among secondary ones ? In advance, if was already opened (and visible)
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Uncomment the line in the Initialize method of the B4XMainPage
B4XMainPage initialize:
Public Sub Initialize
    B4XPages.GetManager.LogEvents = True
End Sub
In the log panel you can see which page appears and disappears.
*** Service (starter) Create ***
** Service (starter) Start **
** Activity (main) Create, isFirst = true **
*** mainpage: B4XPage_Created
*** mainpage: B4XPage_Appear
** Activity (main) Resume **
*** folders: B4XPage_Created [mainpage]
*** mainpage: B4XPage_Disappear [mainpage]
*** folders: B4XPage_Appear [mainpage]
*** folders: B4XPage_Disappear [mainpage, folders]
*** mainpage: B4XPage_Appear [mainpage, folders]
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