What you want to do is not standard behavior of a B4XTable.
There is a "workaround" though.
Here's what i did:
In the designer i placed an EditText field on top of the place where the SearchField normally is.
And then in the code right after the SetData method i placed the following code:
'B4XTbl1.NumberOfFrozenColumns = 1
If B4XTbl1.SearchField.TextField.Text = "" Then
B4XTbl1.SearchVisible = False
B4XTbl1.clvData.sv.Visible = False
End If
Note that any frozen columns will still be displayed.
The SearchVisible property hides the search field.
The clvData scrollview is also hidden.
Then for the EditText field i wrote the following code:
Private Sub EditText1_TextChanged (Old As String, New As String)
If New = "" Then
B4XTbl1.clvData.sv.Visible = False
B4XTbl1.SearchField.TextField.Text = New
B4XTbl1.clvData.sv.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Now when the user types something in the EditText field the search will be shown in the B4XTable.
And when the EditText field is cleared the B4XTable is empty again.
Is this what you want to do?