Hello Everyone,
I wanted to show off my latest app made with B4A. The app Baby Food Tracker is a port from one of my iPhone apps and completely written from scratch for the port aside from the graphics. This is my first program written in B4A but not basic. B4A is an excellent development platform and I will be active in the community here soon and may release my server side for my mobile apps as open source is anyone is interested (written in vb.net). Below are the details for BFT. Also if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. BFT is available in the app market.
Looking for a way to track your baby's eating habits? Then look no further then Baby Food Tracker, this all in one app saves you time at the supermarket by tracking your child’s favorite foods. Additionally there are many advanced functions included such as allergy tracking and email reporting to share with your child’s doctor. Best of all, this ad supported app is completely FREE!
► Track baby’s meals including brand, flavor, Yum Meter, allergies, allergy notes, meal notes, exact feeding times, food group, and general meal time.
► Send detailed email reports of all selected baby’s meals for review by your child’s doctor or to share with other people
► Search for meals in the tracker in real time as you type to create email reports of findings
► Complete database backup in case you accidentally delete an entry
► Save time and money at the supermarket selecting meals your child already likes or tracking new meals for future reference
► Ability to track multiple children's name, age, birthday, height, and weight
► Warning marker icon in the meal list to quickly spot meals that you have flagged with allergies to assist in shopping
► Associate each child with meal entries for easy tracking of multiple children's eating preferences
► Track how your child likes home made baby food with plenty of room to describe your own recipies
More screenshots and our forum at
I wanted to show off my latest app made with B4A. The app Baby Food Tracker is a port from one of my iPhone apps and completely written from scratch for the port aside from the graphics. This is my first program written in B4A but not basic. B4A is an excellent development platform and I will be active in the community here soon and may release my server side for my mobile apps as open source is anyone is interested (written in vb.net). Below are the details for BFT. Also if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. BFT is available in the app market.
Looking for a way to track your baby's eating habits? Then look no further then Baby Food Tracker, this all in one app saves you time at the supermarket by tracking your child’s favorite foods. Additionally there are many advanced functions included such as allergy tracking and email reporting to share with your child’s doctor. Best of all, this ad supported app is completely FREE!
► Track baby’s meals including brand, flavor, Yum Meter, allergies, allergy notes, meal notes, exact feeding times, food group, and general meal time.
► Send detailed email reports of all selected baby’s meals for review by your child’s doctor or to share with other people
► Search for meals in the tracker in real time as you type to create email reports of findings
► Complete database backup in case you accidentally delete an entry
► Save time and money at the supermarket selecting meals your child already likes or tracking new meals for future reference
► Ability to track multiple children's name, age, birthday, height, and weight
► Warning marker icon in the meal list to quickly spot meals that you have flagged with allergies to assist in shopping
► Associate each child with meal entries for easy tracking of multiple children's eating preferences
► Track how your child likes home made baby food with plenty of room to describe your own recipies
More screenshots and our forum at
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