B4J Question [BANano] How can I do what BANano.CallInlinePHPWait but then be able to add/process request headers?


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Hi there

I'd like in each BANano.CallInlinePHPWait call I do, add a token on the request header, to be processed on the PHP side.

  • A user logs in, the server generates a token, records it for this user and then gives this to the user. I can do this as part of the return result from the server user verification process or via a header. Not sure.
  • The user receives the server generated token and save it to local storage / cookie
  • Any CRUD calls to the server will send this token, the server verifies if token is valid before processing CRUD request.
Im thinking that perhaps using request headers for such could be viable, so im just thinking aloud. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance