B4J Question [BANano] Session login


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I have just checked the banano help file. In the BANano namespace, there is.

    • GetSessionStorage (key As String) As Object
      Returns the saved json from the key in the SessionStorage


    • RemoveSessionStorage (key As String)
      Deletes the key from the SessionStorage

and also

    • SetSessionStorage (key As String, json As Object)
      To set data into sessionStorage, you must use the SetSessionStorage API. There are two arguments:
      key for the Object's key, and json for the key value


      dim json as JSONGenerator
      json.initialize("{ founded: '1992', formed: 'California', members: ['Tom Delonge', 'Mark Hoppus', 'Travis Barker']}")
      SetSessionStorage("someband", json)
I have not used these before and also noted that one can set cookies and retrieve them.

Hopefully its what you are looking for.

Good luck!
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