Hi there
A rather incredible opportunity!!! I mean accessing MS-ACCESS databases directly from the jetty server with jSQL.
This has been rather a tricky exercise.
1st, thanks to @Erel post here. BTW, you need to follow the steps on that post first to make this work.
2nd @OliverA , pointed us to to solve the CRUD issue, here.
Which originally was found by @jmon back in 2017.
We have set up the DataSource to point to the location of our db.
Then in SERVERIndex...
The OpenMSAccess commands include...
This should be available soon:
A rather incredible opportunity!!! I mean accessing MS-ACCESS databases directly from the jetty server with jSQL.
This has been rather a tricky exercise.
1st, thanks to @Erel post here. BTW, you need to follow the steps on that post first to make this work.
Opening MS Access databases (mdb)
1. Download UCanAccess: https://www.b4x.com/b4j/files/ucanaccess.zip (Sources: https://jackcessencrypt.sourceforge.io/ and http://ucanaccess.sourceforge.net/site.html) The libraries are licensed with Apache 2.0 license: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 2. Copy the jars to the...

2nd @OliverA , pointed us to to solve the CRUD issue, here.
Jrdc with ucanaccess not committing inserts (Solved)
I have Jrdc connecting with ms access ( would prefer not to use access but stuck with it for now). Its working fine for select queries but having trouble with inserts. I am testing on a simple table with an auto 'id' column and 'UserName' text column with unique constraint. I have the config...

Which originally was found by @jmon back in 2017.
JSQL and UcanAccess
Good day! I am working with Access and B4J via UcanAccess, so far so good, everything works with the SQL class provided in JSQL library, the only thing i cannot make it work is TransactionSuccessful method, it is funny because the BeginTransaction actually is doing the job, but because even...

We have set up the DataSource to point to the location of our db.
Then in SERVERIndex...
Dim dDB As DirectDB
If dDB.OpenMSAccess(File.DirApp, dbname) Then
Select Case scommand
Case "insert", "update", "delete", "createtable"
dDB.SQLRunQuery(query, args)
payload2browser.Put("error", dDB.error)
payload2browser.Put("ok", dDB.ok)
payload2browser.Put("result", returnList)
Case Else
returnList = dDB.SQLExecuteMaps(query, args)
payload2browser.Put("error", dDB.error)
payload2browser.Put("ok", dDB.ok)
payload2browser.Put("result", returnList)
End Select
payload2browser.Put("error", "Cannot connect to the database!")
payload2browser.Put("ok", False)
payload2browser.Put("result", returnList)
End If
ws.RunFunction("directmsaccessonbrowser_result", Array(payload2browser))
ws.Flush ...
The OpenMSAccess commands include...
Dim dbPath As String = File.Combine(Dir, fileName)
dbPath = dbPath.Replace("\","/")
aSQL.Initialize("net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanaccessDriver", $"jdbc:ucanaccess://${dbPath}"$)
This should be available soon: