Basic question on Opengl library implementation


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I know that the Opengl libraries only wrap the java stuff. So in reality the answer may not be available in this forum.

However, I have a basic problem to deal with them. I am used to do some 2d or 3d primitive drawing in Opengl with sequences as


These very basic drawing commands are not available from the wrapper, although they are part of all opengl standards since 1.0.

What kind of Opengl implementation does the wrapper provide, besides the information that there is compatibility to 1.3 (Opengl) and 2.0 (Opengl2).


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Thanks Andrew,
I am not sure I understand their numbering tactics, but ES is significant different from standard GL.
I have no written an additional wrapper that brings back my beloved glBegin() glEnd glVertex and so on, passes this thru to gldrawarrays e.g. and everything is fine.

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Thanks Andrew,
I am not sure I understand their numbering tactics, but ES is significant different from standard GL.
I have no written an additional wrapper that brings back my beloved glBegin() glEnd glVertex and so on, passes this thru to gldrawarrays e.g. and everything is fine.


Hey Andy ,
I am facing the same trouble would you be able to share this new wrapper ?
I am trying to write a CAM -Module for Android and i am missing the same
functions ... GL Begin.. and so on ...

thanks Alfred
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