Android Question BBCodeview and AS_Radiobutton Height Problem


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I am in need of cross platform based radio button, i tried to experiment with AS_Radiobutton and B4XRadioButton in BBCodeview. I loaded 3-AS Radiobuttons in group from designer into panel and got them to work in BBCodeview as shown in Pic as group,

but find it difficult to adjust AS_radiobutton based on height of varying long texts. I tried different tricks using -2 wrap height with reflector, (not successful; and not cross platform compliant as B4J complaint of missing method even though it works with legacy radio button). I later tried to access individual AS_radiobutton from panel where i could acheive this in pic below, but when click; it loses its group selection attribute:

After these failed attempts, i tried to use MeasureTextHeight and MeasureTextwidth to compute text heights for control involved, but yet found it difficult to achieve this in bbcodeview environment since i cant get access to individual radiobutton from panel without loosing its group attribute. I will like the output to be like this pic below from BBcodeview environment irrespective of long text height.

Please, i need help and working code example. I attach my experimental code here testing in both B4J and B4A; though i will need B4I later, so i need a b4x solution. I will post that of B4XRadioButton question on another thread. Thank you in advance


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