Android Question Beeps Stop after 29 Events - Audio Library V1.32


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Longtime User
Decided to add beeps to buttons on panels in a CustomListView:

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    For i = 1 To PlayerTableSize    '
        clvPlayers.Add(CreateListItem(i, 80dip), 80dip, i)
        Log("CLV Create in Create # " & i)
End Sub

Sub CreateListItem(Text As String, Height As Int) As Panel
    Dim p As Panel
    Dim b1 As Button
    b1.Initialize("OnOffBut")    'all buttons click events will be handled with Sub OnOffBut_Click
    b1.Background = trans
    b1.TextSize = 20
    b1.TextColor = Colors.Red
    b1.Text = "SEND ON"
End Sub

Sub OnOffBut_Click    '
     Dim b As Beeper

     b.Initialize(50, 1200) '50 milliseconds, 1200 hz
End Sub

These beeps are generated from any buttons on panels in CustomListView but I only get a maximum of about 29 beeps before the beeps stop.
Other button events continue.

Killing the app and restarting re-enables the beeps for another 29 times.

Any suggestions as to why the beeps stop greatly appreciated.
