Best provider to store images?

Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
i am currently working on an app where i am currently developing the backend, now i need to find a provider where i can store and retrieve my images those that users can upload, without it draining my bank account.

In the past I used Amazon S3, but found it a bit expensive. I don't want to set up my own storage server, because I don't want the effort of security, backups etc.

Does anyone know a good provider?


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Longtime User
I never used it, but I remember when I used AppInventor, there was an extension to Cloudinary.



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Longtime User
Question: The images to be stored, are they ONLY images that the customer uploaded?

If so, why not make your app store the images in the customer's own Google Drive account.

This way you don't have to manage anything, and if the customer needs more room to upload images, they can upgrade their cloud account themselves without you having to get involved.

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
I got a tip from a colleague: