Binary.dll byte to string


Licensed User
Hello everyone,
new here and I have a problem, converting byte streams to strings. I am getting wrong letters for non ASCII letters like ä.ö etc. how can i convert these recieved bytes to proper strings using binary.bytestostring library


Licensed User
Longtime User
You should use the BinaryToString object from the Bitwise.dll.
There you must declare the Bitwise object with:
Bitwise.New2(1252) this is the Windows ANSI code page
then you will get the right characters.

If you want to write to files and read from with a given code page you can use agraham's BytesConverter library that works similar as the standard file instructions. I have used it because I have older files created by VB6 programs and I wanted the new and old files remain compatible.

Best regards.
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