Android Question BLE 2 - WriteData


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I am going through the BLE 2 example.
In order to send data to the remote BLE device (uBlox NINA), I must send:
WriteData(Service As String, Characteristic As String, Data As Byte())
What exactly is:
Service As String and Characteristic As String
Where do I obtain these?


Licensed User
You can get Service and Characteristic IDs when you connect to the device and do a ReadData, but I think these are usually of readable characteristics rather than the writeable ones.

User nRF Connect app (free ✌) to manually connect up to the device and explore what it offers. Pretty sure it will show both readable and writeable characteristics. Also lets you manually read and write data from/to the device.

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Licensed User
What is the precise model number?

Is it a GPS module that communicates over BLE, or just a BLE serial cable replacement (no GPS), like the HM-10 / HC-08 modules?
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