Android Question BLE Blood Pressure Meter Pairing


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Longtime User
I want to connect Blood pressure meter (BLE), but for pairing need to do the following functions
Slave Security Request

Pairing Response

How can i implement this? My code is below, i can see device name in paired list but device not sending data.

Sub BroadcastReceiver_OnReceive (Action As String,  i As  Object)
Dim  intnt  As  Intent = i
    Dim BtPairingVariant As  Int
    Dim BtPinBytes() As  Byte
    Dim Bleomronpin As String = "981180"
If (Action = "android.bluetooth.device.action.PAIRING_REQUEST") Then
If (intnt.HasExtra("android.bluetooth.device.extra.DEVICE")) Then
BtPairingVariant = myBtAutoPair.GetPairingVariant(intnt)
            If ((BtPairingVariant=2) OR (BtPairingVariant=3)) Then
                Diag.Write(1, "BtAutoPair.GetPairingVariant=" & BtPairingVariant & "(confirmation)")
                '----- Send pin to device. When device accepts pin, pairing dialog closes otherwise dialog remains open
                    BtPinBytes = Bleomronpin.GetBytes("UTF8")
                    myBtAutoPair.SetPin(intnt, BtPinBytes)
                End If   
            End If
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
The codes posted is a hack to do automatic pairing that works for most legacy Bluetooth SPP devices. The effect is when a 'stranger' device comes close to the Android phone, they get paired and start communicating automatically, no user interaction required. May work on BT 4.0 but probably only for a few selected devices.
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