Bluetooth serial port program with Automatic Sequence repeat function.


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This Bluetooth Serial Port communication program lets you
define a serial packet of 1 to 16 characters. The serial packet
of characters will be transmitted repeatedly until stopped.

You can specifiy a delay between the characters in a packet
from 0 to 9 seconds.

You can specify a delay between the serial packets from 0 to 9 seconds.

The serial packets will be transmitted repeatedly until stopped.

This program uses the Serial2.dll. You must be able to establish a
Bluetooth serial port connection between your PDA and an external
Bluetooth module. When the serial com port is opened if a valid
connection is not established the Serial2.dll will give you an error
message. When a valid serial port connection is established you
will not see any message at all, which lets you know the connection
is working properly.

You can assign a Label and Value to each of the 16 possible entries.
The 16 entries are referenced by a Row and a Column position.

R1C1 Entry number 1.
R1C2 Entry number 2.
R1C3 Entry number 3.
R1C4 Entry number 4.

R2C1 Entry number 5.
R2C2 Entry number 6.
R2C3 Entry number 7.
R2C4 Entry number 8.

R3C1 Entry number 9.
R3C2 Entry number 10.
R3C3 Entry number 11.
R3C4 Entry number 12.

R4C1 Entry number 13.
R4C2 Entry number 14.
R4C3 Entry number 15.
R4C4 Entry number 16.

To define a Lable and Value for entries 1 to 16, you must check the appropriate checkbox first, then enter the data into the Label and Value textboxes and then press the "E" button to enter the data into the selected Row and Column position.

Press the "E" button to enter data for Label and Value into the checked Row, Column position.

Press the "CLV" button to clear the Label and Value textboxes.
Press the "CT" button to clear the yellow Transmit textbox.
Press the "CR" button to clear the blue Receive textbox.
Press the "CC" button to clear the Row and Collumn checkboxes 1 to 16.
Press the "SIP On/Off" button to turn the Soft Input Panel keyboard on and off.

Press the "Read:File" button to read the (.txt) data file into the Row and Column entries.

Press the "Save:File" button to save the Row and Column data into the (.txt) data file.

Press the "View:Data" button to see all of the Row and Column data at one time.

Press the "Open" button to open the Bluetooth Serial port connection.
Press the "Close" button to close the Bluetooth Serial port connection.
Press the "Run" button to start the Automatic Sequence running.
Press the "Stop" button to stop the Automatic Sequence from running.

The Timer number Up/Down box lets you select the millisecond delay between each character in a packet. The millisecond delay can be between 0 to 9000 and the default value is 300.

The Packet Delay number Up/Down box lets you select the second delay between each serial packet. The second delay can be between 0 to 9 seconds and the default value is 3.

Be sure to check the checkboxes that represent the data that you want to be transmitted before you press the "Run" button to start the Automatic Sequence.

The file "Auto1.JPG" is a screenshot of the program.
The file "Auto2.JPG" is a screenshot of the program after reading data file.
The file "Auto3.JPG" is a screenshot of the programs data view screen.
The file "Seq4.sbp" is the Basic4ppc source code file.
The file "" is the zipped up ARMV4 (.CAB) installation file.


  • Auto1.JPG
    27.9 KB · Views: 290
  • Auto2.JPG
    28.5 KB · Views: 276
  • Auto3.JPG
    19.8 KB · Views: 261
  • Seq4.sbp
    29.1 KB · Views: 341
    79.1 KB · Views: 333
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So you've not studied the post I made in your other thread yet :(

Your code contains far to many lines that can be combined.
PM me if you need more help on how to do this.
Or reply here, and we'll share the info with other forum members :)


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Code length...


I am still learning how to use Basic4ppc. I have really only used a
few of the commands available so far. I need to look at more code
examples to see how others are using the commands.
I do not have to much time to write code, most of the programs
I have written so far have been in my spare time. I still have many