Share My Creation BTinterface my Android app to control uControllers via Bluetooth

Just released version 1.06 on google play.
search for BTInterface

Visit my forum at

lots more commands

use it as a hard drive for your micro controller project

day date time commands, no need to build that real-time clock then

Now works on PCs/Laptops!
Tablets can now download BTInterface!
see last post.

Hi everyone,

I've just released my Android software BTinterface on the Google Play Store here:


Aimed at microcontrollers in general with just a small cheap and very easy to use bluetooth module you get some pretty powerful functionality for controlling your doohickeys

You can also use it without a microcontroller as you can do some pretty cool things just by sending it a text message :)

Here's a really short video:

A little scary - YouTube

and please have a look at my website:

BTInterface Android Bluetooth controller for Arduino Raspberry Pi PIC and all Microcontrollers. LADDER BASIC C++




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New Version Uploaded to Google Play Store

I've uploaded a new version of BTInterface.

Same link as in first post. Or search for BTInterface in Google Play Store on your android device.

I've taken user remarks to heart.

Firstly I've added the ability to choose the annoying sound effects that you wish to play on connection and disconnection of the Bluetooth module.
You can also choose '0' (zero) to have no sound effects and as these (16) sound effects are the same ones that you get by sending the sfx commands (sfx1 sfx2 sfx16) then this doubles up as a good place to try out the sound effects (press the little speaker icons to play the sounds).

Secondly I have added the ability for the micro controller programmer to determine what string is sent when the user presses a button.
This can, like the sound effects, be chosen in the settings (menu - settings) or it can also be done in code if the micro controller sends the string b1send b2send b3send or b4send so for example if when I press b1 I want the string 'activate' to be sent (instead of the string 'b1') then I'd program the b1 button by either doing it in the settings or sending the command over the serial connection:
b1send activate

Then each time I press the b1 button it will send that word 'activate' which you can see if you press it a few times then look at the log in the terminal screen.

Please note that I've only done this for the four user buttons at the moment as the game pad buttons are, well, game pad buttons so remain as up, down, left, right & fire

I also did a considerable bit of work on the help system which is like a complete website inside the app

Please let me know what you think and keep the suggestions coming.... and please join my forum no-one's joined my forum yet ... well, only one has ... :(



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Hello Ian,
I could not install it from I get the attached screenshot msg instead.
Is there any other way to send me the APK file?


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Hi Beja,

That's weird, it is saying that it IS compatible with your China Unicom Alps DM006 but then there are typical broken web things like the missing picture etc.

I presume nothing happens when you press the INSTALLER (french for Install) Button?

Anyhow, yes of course, here is a direct link to the .apk file on my own web server:

But it would be nice to know that it is working on the Google Play Store, could you try with another browser and/or try deleting your cache/browsing history etc.

Did you try from the actual Google Play Store app on your device?
A search for BTInterface should find it.

Strange ... and mildly disconcerting ... oh well these things are sent for us to learn from :)


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I can't find it on G-play....


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curioser and curioser

Really? That's weird, and it might be why not many people have installed it :(

I open up my 'Play Store' app, click on the magnifying glass (top right) and type in: btinterface then click on the magnifying glass again to do the search.

it finds:

BTInterface Free Trial BETA (my one)
Shadow BT Interface for APfo (another app)
Radar Speedcamera Alert Pro (don't know what that's about)

Did you get the spelling right? btinterface ?

Otherwise on my website there is a link to it:

Please let me know how it goes and thanks for helping.



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If i use "btinterface" i only get 2 resulta, onde is "Shadow BT....." and the other is "Radar SpeedCamera....".
Using "BT interface" brings a lot more resulta but nome is your app


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Ok, it may be that my app is not compatible with tablets :(

Because I use SMS texts in it, it wants sms permissions and tablets don't have SMS.

It will actually work without SMS but because it 'can' use sms it needs that permission so I've just probably deleted myself from the Tablet market :)

Perhaps its possible to alter the manifest so it'll download on tablets anyway?


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Yes that's probably the easiest way to go, thank you Penko.


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My tablet has BT and Wi-Fi... and i can find phone related utilities without problems in G-Play


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There's probably some magic to it.

I know when you install BTInterface it does want you to Ok the permissions for using Bluetooth, Sms incoming and Sms outgoing.


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Just got it to connect to my PC

You know what this means don't you, probably the end of the world as we know it that's what.... well maybe not but it means that I'll have to dust off those old C# and Windows Presentation Foundation skills and git makin' a windowz controlly app.

It means at the very least that you have an SMS Text machine for Windows which you can use to get your windows machine to both Send & Receive (yes, and receive) SMS Text messages.

I can imagine lots of use for that in a server environment.

For example, 'Dear Manager A), You're FIRED!'

You could fire quite a lot of people via text in this way.

Also means that I should be able to set it up so's people can use ordinary BT dongles with the Raspberry Pi !! yoohoo!! Raspbery Pi'ers don't want to go getting bluetooth modules when they already have half-a-dozen dongles lying around.

There's a whole world in that Pi! although I'm not quite sure how I'll use the multiple user nature of Linux on it :) (it's only little). Just getting to grips with Bash, Grep and Python...

However, we should soon be able to develop in B4a on the Pi !


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Now connects to PCs Laptops and Tablets can download it

I have successfully had it working on my PC.

Here is the link with the instructions:
View topic - Oh Ohh! I found out how to connect to a PC :)

This means that developers could write modules into their software to have the user control it from their Android device over Bluetooth!

I have also, thanks to NJDude managed to upload a new version that everyone, including tablet owners can download!.

Here's the link again to it on the Google Play Store


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Android for Pi

Hi hdtvirl

That link where you say 'please see my post' doesn't work, page not found.

So I looked at your posts and I presume you mean this thread:

Where you talk of using B4a to program the Pi ?

The fact is that B4a should be able to program any Android devices and these people:

Android Pi Wiki

Are working towards getting Android to run on the Pi

If we get a good working version then that would make the Pi an Android device and you should therefore be able to use B4a to program it :)


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Great stuff ian - i'm updating the app as i type this.

Been monitoring my room temperature via bluetooth recently and being able to put and get some values to BTI will be useful.



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