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Generate members (Designer) Generates on whatever module is current in the IDE. Irregardless of what Activity the View is really on


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This is not a bug. Your App can have many activities and you can use a layout file from the designer in any activity or all activities. There is no way for the designer to know if you plan on using it in the first activity or the second or both.

I would hate to think that it would only generate members to the module that I first loaded the layout file in.

But, this is however, normal operation.
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...but I can't count all the times (in the beginning) I generated numerous view-names (and events) which ended up in the wrong module which I then had to delete.

Over the time, I got used to it and it rarely happens these days.

However, a dialog-box confirming if you want to generate members or not would be great.

This is not a bug. Your App can have many activities and you can use a layout file from the designer in any activity or all activities. There is no way for the designer to know if you plan on using it in the first activity or the second or both.

I would hate to think that it would only generate members to the module that I first loaded the layout file in.

But, this is however, normal operation.
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So just be careful what Module you have open when you request generate stubs...I dont use the designer anymore so its KeWeL..

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