Buying and Selling on Ebay


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Does anyone here make a side income buying and selling on Ebay?

Without giving away too much, I buy and sell items based on my tech interests and want to know if anyone else here does the same? I'm thinking of getting into trading retro computer hardware, but I don't have the storage at home for it, so I stick to smaller items. So I guess I could do retro handheld items like original GameBoys?


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Many years ago, before eBay, I used to frequent the local car boot sales and ended up buying and selling what were then old games. Things like Amstrad and BBC games. It was popular then and lasted a few years. I would think there would be a decent market for it still.

Peter Simpson

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Hello Andy,
I like your idea of selling retro handheld items, in fact I like that idea a lot, nice one.

As a side line I used to sell TV repair kits, mainly for T-Con boards and power boards. I did quite well selling blink repair kits, especially for the Panasonic 11 blink issues and also Sony TV repair kits with fused resistors, all the components I brought in bulk mainly from China, some of the Sony components came from a supplier in Vietnam, yes I know how strange that sounds. I also sold working used TV parts from TVs that I couldn't fix or were not cost effective for me to do so. For example if the panel (screen) was damaged, I would check and sell it's parts on eBay like the main board, power board, T-Con etc. If need be I would change/repair faulty parts before selling the boards . You may have seen screenshots of an Android app that I created just so that I could take photos of the parts and log part numbers of working boards that I had that I could sell, I also logged the make, model and TV's that that board would work in.

Many years ago I used to go to Biddle & Webb auctioneers in Birmingham to bid on computer/tech/some electrical items just to sell them on eBay, now and again I would come across a right gem. For example I brought a box of basically what I thought was cheap computer bits, but sitting at the bottom of the box was 5 CISCO routers, they sold for a lot of money on eBay, I won't say how much but I was completely surprised when they made 4 figures (each) and people just kept bidding, I was hoping to get £200 to £300 for the whole box.

I also used to go to an auctioneers in Coventry, once again to bid on computer/tech/some electrical items. Over time more and more people started doing the same thing pushing up prices at the auctions, so I quit doing that.

I also used to buy from the auction below, police auction. But they stopped selling on this site and started using eBay, that's when their prices shot up.

Another reason why I stopped selling on eBay was the fees started slowly creeping up on eBay and Paypal.

Right, I'm going out for a quick bike ride now, it's dry and I can get a quick 10 to 12 mile ride in before going to bed.

Those were the days :)


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put a link to your store andy, maybe we can find something interesting there :)
i tried selling items on ebay but did not go very well so i left it for now.