Hi !
If someone can help me to convert this peace of code from VB.NET to B4A please:
It is byte that i need to send over the UDP but no luck to accomplish this in b4a.
I just need byte array as in example above but don't know how to do that ...
Thanks in advance
If someone can help me to convert this peace of code from VB.NET to B4A please:
'Note: 'password' and 'rconCommand' are a string value outside from this function
Dim command As String
command = "rcon " & password & " " & rconCommand
Dim bufferTemp() As Byte = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(command)
Dim bufferSend(bufferTemp.Length + 5 - 1) As Byte
'intial 5 characters as per standard
bufferSend(0) = Byte.Parse("255")
bufferSend(1) = Byte.Parse("255")
bufferSend(2) = Byte.Parse("255")
bufferSend(3) = Byte.Parse("255")
bufferSend(4) = Byte.Parse("02")
Dim j As Integer = 5
For i As Integer = 0 To bufferTemp.Length - 1
bufferSend(j) = bufferTemp(i)
j += 1
Next i
It is byte that i need to send over the UDP but no luck to accomplish this in b4a.
I just need byte array as in example above but don't know how to do that ...
Thanks in advance