Hello Everyone.
With this code I can Add an Event Reminder
Now, which is the correct code for an Attendee Event?
I use this code but nothing happens the email is not included/added in the Attendee Event.
One more thing including the email in the Attendee the calendar will send the email to the invited person? or I'm wrong?
Thank's in advance
Best Regards!
With this code I can Add an Event Reminder
Mycal.CreateEventWithReminder(3,"Example", _
"This is an example of creating an event in the selected calendar using the Calendar_ID" _
,"San Diego" _
,DateTime.Now + 900000 _
,DateTime.Now + 1800000 _
Now, which is the correct code for an Attendee Event?
I use this code but nothing happens the email is not included/added in the Attendee Event.
One more thing including the email in the Attendee the calendar will send the email to the invited person? or I'm wrong?
Thank's in advance
Best Regards!