Call with a so called "Private" number? What is it?


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Hi experts,

My question is not directly related to B4A but my app is written in B4A so I need your help.

I am writing a software dealing with phone calls. As I cannot send a "private call" to test (my network provider does not allow), I wonder what is a "private call"? For a normall call, it always has a string number, for example 001212345678, how about the "private call"? Is it an empty string "" or is has a strange string number like "-1"? Is it different from one provider to another one (in different country)?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,


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not sure what you call "Private Call" but I have seen calls with empty string (when the caller ID was blocked)
hope it helps
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On my phone I get 'Unknown' when callers block their phone numbers, many companies have phone numbers blocked by default, perhaps because they have a lot of numbers.

Perhaps you should write an 'isValidPhoneNumber' Sub, or maybe there is already one out there somewhere, then you could run it through that Sub, any that don't pass you could treat as unknown.
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Thank you very much melamoud and IanMc. It seems to me that the Private calls are with empty string. I will take note of your advice.

Best regards,
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Update: for those who are intereted in - The "Private calls" can have following number:
- An empty String ("")
- A String "null"
- Or just "-1"
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