Android Question CallSubDelayed2 question


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi everyone,

I have a doubt with CallSubDelayed2 function, I’ll explain. My application works with 3 activities and 3 layouts (one for each activity). I need to make calls between modules, so I use CallSubDelayed2 in order to make calls and pass parameters. But when I use this function, a new layout is load.

For example, If I’m in Activity 1-Layout1, and I use CallSubDelayed2(Activity2,”function”,parameter) the Layout2 is load. I would like run the “function” without load the Layout2. Is it possible?

Thank you and sorry for my English, I hope to be enough clear.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi NJDude,

And in this case, Could I use CallSubDelayed2 function? Because with CallSub is not possible to call subs of code modules (I read in Basic4Android wiki).

Thank you for your answer.
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