Camera Dialog - Smartphone


Licensed User
Hi everybody,

I would like to disable all options of the Camera Dialog except to take pictures using a smartphone (MotorolaQ). I had been looking through the forum, testing the solutions kindly posted (Erel, dzt, taximania), but I could not get disabled the second screen of the dialog.
Is there a way to do this? or is it possible to disable the option's menu of such screen? :confused:
Actually I´m using the Camera Dialog solution posted by taximania (Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms) in my project.

Thank You!


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Longtime User
I am afraid that you probably can't. Windows Mobile standardisation goes as far as requiring each device manufacturer to implement a Camera Dialog that the OS can show when required. It is up to each manufacturer as to how he implements the Dialog. As far as I know there is no other way to interact with the Camera Dialog other than to show it. Individual manufacturers may have their own "hooks" into their dialogs but you couldn't access them (easily) from Basic4ppc even if you did know about them.


Licensed User
Camera Dialog _Smartphone

Thank you very much for your answer agraham!
Well, I was afraid too that this could not be possible :(
But at least I will have a good coding session programming a workaround for my application! ;)

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
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I would like to disable all options of the Camera Dialog except to take pictures

Didn't DZT's example do this ?
The way I did it 'added' the other options to the the 'Take Picture' dialog ?

Erel's and my example in my previous post was to disable all options.
Just take a picture :(

I'll have a search round the forum :)