Share My Creation camera Unlock

Hi all,

It is time for me to post my first application (please be patient !).

Its goal is to emulate the locked screen camera available on IOS.

It should work with any kind of locked device and especially password locked ones. I use a company password locked galaxy S3 and I could not test it elsewhere...

Once installed, just run the app, a notification should warn you that the service is active.


Then turn OFF your screen and wait that your device is locked

To take a picture once locked, triple press the power button. Each press shall be done within one second. The first press turns the screen ON, the second one turns it OFF., the third one turns it ON again. If you did it quickly enough, the screen shall then display a camera (based on CameraEX example: thanks Erel !).

Simply use it, pictures are stored at the root of your internal device, I will improve this later on...

Then, you can either press the back button and switch OFF the device or, only switch OFF the device. It that case, the camera remains ready for next use: just press again only once on the power button to get it activated.

I know it remains some very seldom cases where I get a bug when the camera gets activated. The only way (by now) to get rid of this is to switch OFF/ON again.

Please don't hezitate to give me any feedback (negative or positive) all will be welcome !
I would like also to know if it works on older devices (android 2.3+), on newer ones (android 4.3) and on small screens or tablets ...

thanks in advance



  • CameraUnlock.apk
    189.2 KB · Views: 338
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Some progress in my CameraUnlock application...

- display is now fitting the screen and camera picture resolution

- buttons are better loocking

- added rolling menus (ListViews)

- name of the .apk (first post .apk has been edited)

Any feedback is welcome



  • CameraUnlock.apk
    188 KB · Views: 274
  • Screenshot_2013-11-09-10-25-03.png
    210.3 KB · Views: 289
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Some improvements in my application:
- I realized that, on my Galaxy S3, a double press on the power button could be accidentaly done with the device in the pocket and lead to a permanent drain of the battery. I then change the detection of CameraUnlock simply by adding a third press on the power button. The correct sequence to unlock your camera is now : screen ON, screen OFF, screen ON
- added an exposure compensation button (using the added functions in CameraEx see )

- minor UI improvements (no overlapping of list views, transparent back grounds, sizing of the listviews fitting the items number)

Hope you will like (even if no feedback yet :( )


PS: The .apk in first post has been updated too


  • CameraUnlock.apk
    189.2 KB · Views: 300


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just for fun, I posted a light version on the android playstore :

Let's see if it will be a success ;)

Hi All,
My little app seems to be now quite stable. Since last time I've added a way to unlock the phone using both power button (event screen on) coupled with accelerometer which makes it really straightforward to unlock the phone :
- hold it vertically upside down
- pres the power button until the screen lights on
- release the power button
- hold the phone horizontaly (in landscape camera position)
==> and that is the camera pops ups !

The file is too big to be uploaded here (800 kB), but if you want to try, please use the playstore link.

Happy new year to all B4A friends

Jim Brown

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Hi Alain
This sounds like a great application. When I get a chance I will try it on my Samsung GS4.
Regards, Jim