Can B4A Bridge Turnoff Replace, Install, Open Prompts


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I use B4A Bridge Wireless. Every time I make a small design change and deploy the app, I get the same 3 prompts every time. Is there a way to turn them off to speed up the deployment?
Also, what does make discoverable mean as a check mark?


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As far as I can tell, you can't disable the confirmation for install. You can, however, have your PC install it without having to confirm. (My phone came with HiSuite, but you can also do it via FileMenu Tools and this tutorial.)

The discoverable checkbox is just for normal Bluetooth discoverability. If your PC doesn't find your Android device, that's just the device's way to let itself be seen by another Bluetooth device (in this case, the PC). On many devices, you'll have to be discoverable before pairing with another Bluetooth-capable device.
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Thanks rmgb. I thought there is an option within B4A bridge or within IDE that can do that, without to install additional programs on the PC. I do not think it is worth it, just to pick 1 or 2 more clicks. If someone else has found a solution where it does not involve installing programs, that will be helpful.
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Jost aus Soest

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As these are important security prompts I don't think - and I even don't hope! - that there are ways to suppress these prompts.

Otherwise it would be an invitation for all hackers!
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Longtime User
You can, however, have your PC install it without having to confirm
Only if you are connected by a USB cable and not by wireless. In this case the IDE installs and runs the apk without prompts via adb and so you don't need any other application to do it.
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