Android Question Can Maps use a custom type as key?

Jeffrey Cameron

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I've created a simple (Int, Int) type to use a key into a map, I've discovered that if I add an item to the map with a key value of (1,1) and at a future time I make a new key with the same value, it doesn't find it in the map, for example:
Sub Activity_Resume
    ' Point type is defined elsewhere as: Type Point(X As Int, Y As Int)
    Dim poPt1 As Point
    Dim poPt2 As Point
    Dim poMap As Map
    Dim poMap2 As Map
    Dim psVal As String
    Dim piVal1 As Int
    Dim piVal2 As Int
    poPt1.X = 10
    poPt1.Y = 14
    poMap.Put(poPt1, "testing 1, 2, 3")

    poPt2.X = 10
    poPt2.Y = 14
    psVal = poMap.Get(poPt2)
    Log(psVal)  'outputs ->null

    piVal1 = 5
    poMap2.Put(piVal1, "Testing 4, 5, 6")
    piVal2 = 5
    psVal = poMap2.Get(piVal2)
    Log(psVal) 'outputs ->Testing 4, 5, 6
End Sub
Am I missing something, or will I need to make the map(Int,value) and create a lookup function to translate the ordered pair?

Jorge M A

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According with documentation, "The key should be string or number."

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The key stored in the map will likely be a pointer to (memory address of) the first Point (poPt1) that you created. When you later create another Point (poPt2) it will be at a different address, and thus you can't use that address as a key to find the first one.

But you could just combine the X and Y into one key value as a string rather than a type, eg this should work:

Sub Activity_Resume
    ' Point type is defined elsewhere as: Type Point(X As Int, Y As Int)

    Dim poPt1 As String
    Dim poPt2 As String
    Dim poMap As Map
    Dim poMap2 As Map
    Dim psVal As String
    Dim piVal1 As Int
    Dim piVal2 As Int

    'poPt1.X = 10
    'poPt1.Y = 14
    poPt1 =10 & "," & 14    'or even just "10,14"
    poMap.Put(poPt1, "testing 1, 2, 3")

    'poPt2.X = 10
    'poPt2.Y = 14
    poPt2 = 10 & "," & 14    'or even just "10,14"
    psVal = poMap.Get(poPt2)

    Log(psVal)  'outputs ->null BUT HOPEFULLY, NOT ANY MORE

End Sub
Now that I think about it, your type may well be convertible to a string, in which case this might work, using your Point type:
poMap.Put("" & poPt1, "testing 1, 2, 3")
psVal = poMap.Get("" & poPt2)
or if that doesn't work but you're keen to keep the Point type, this will work:
Sub PointToString(P as Point) As String    'or PointToMapKey or PointToKeyString or whatever you like best
    Dim S As String = P.X & "," & P.Y
    'Log("MapKey = """ & S & """")
    Return S
End Sub

'and then use with Map keys eg:

poMap.Put(PointToString(poPt1), "testing 1, 2, 3")

psVal = poMap.Get(PointToString(poPt2))
What could possibly go wrong?!?!
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Jorge M A

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The same approach with jSON string in the key, and deconstruction to Point type, preserving original declarations:

Sub Process_Globals
    Type Point(X As Int, Y As Int)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume
    ' Point type is defined elsewhere as: Type Point(X As Int, Y As Int)
    Dim poPt1 As Point
    Dim poPt2 As Point
    Dim poMap As Map
    Dim poMap2 As Map
    Dim psVal As String
    Dim piVal1 As Int
    Dim piVal2 As Int
    poPt1.X = 10
    poPt1.Y = 14
    'Put the key of Point struct in jSON format
    poMap.Put( pointToJSONString (poPt1) , "testing 1, 2, 3")
    poPt2.X = 10
    poPt2.Y = 14

    psVal = poMap.Get( pointToJSONString (poPt2) )
    Log(psVal)  'outputs -> testing 1, 2, 3

    piVal1 = 5
    poMap2.Put(piVal1, "Testing 4, 5, 6")
    piVal2 = 5
    psVal = poMap2.Get(piVal2)
    Log(psVal) 'outputs ->Testing 4, 5, 6
    'Retrieve key as Custom Type Point in jSon format
    Log("Key: " & poMap.GetKeyAt(0))
    'Convert jSON to Point
    Dim pt As Point = jSonToPoint( poMap.GetKeyAt(0) )
End Sub

Sub pointToJSONString(pt As Point) As String
    Return "{X:" & pt.X & ",Y:" & pt.Y & "}"
End Sub

Sub jSonToPoint(key As String) As Point
    Dim JSON As JSONParser
    Dim m As Map
    Dim p As Point
    m = JSON.NextObject
    Return p
End Sub
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Jeffrey Cameron

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Thanks to you all, and I did see the "should be a string or number" but was hoping it would behave more as .NET does.
But you could just combine the X and Y into one key value as a string rather than a type, eg this should work:

If I'm going to have to wrap the get/put I could just as easily compute the X/Y into an index offset similar to single-dimension array. I don't need every X*Y entry, just some and was hoping to keep the storage and retrieval simple.
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... an index offset similar to single-dimension array. I don't need every X*Y entry, just some ...

I agree: if the array is not too sparse, that is probably a better (and faster) solution than using a Map.

One thing I particularly miss from other BASIC dialects is the the ability to specify the lower bound of an array, eg:

Dim Angle(-1 to +1, -1 to +1)


Dim FirstDayOfMonth(1970 to 2030, 1 to 12)

but if you're willing to calculate an offset, then you're freed from Java's arrays-start-at-zero constraint :)
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