Android Question Can someone make a library for Google api directions ?


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i think that B4A is very good prepared to use the google directions api directy. With the use of jsontree its easy like never before to get all the values, which come back from google.
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I'm not an expert. I don't know json. so, how can i get relevant info ? can you give me an example ?
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Just do a call to googles api with httputils.

Example url: Steinberg 99, 52353 Düren, Germany&destination=Hochhausring 21, 52076 Aachen, Germanyl&sensor=false

See Googles Api documentation about the available parameters.

Replace the address in ORIGIN and DESTINATION to your needs...

You get an result of:

And with this code you can "read that json"

im parser As JSONParser
Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim status As String = root.Get("status")
Dim routes As List = root.Get("routes")
For Each colroutes As Map In routes
Dim summary As String = colroutes.Get("summary")
Dim bounds As Map = colroutes.Get("bounds")
Dim southwest As Map = bounds.Get("southwest")
Dim lng As Double = southwest.Get("lng")
Dim lat As Double = southwest.Get("lat")
Dim northeast As Map = bounds.Get("northeast")
Dim lng As Double = northeast.Get("lng")
Dim lat As Double = northeast.Get("lat")
Dim copyrights As String = colroutes.Get("copyrights")
Dim waypoint_order As List = colroutes.Get("waypoint_order")
Dim legs As List = colroutes.Get("legs")
For Each collegs As Map In legs
  Dim duration As Map = collegs.Get("duration")
  Dim text As String = duration.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = duration.Get("value")
  Dim distance As Map = collegs.Get("distance")
  Dim text As String = distance.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = distance.Get("value")
  Dim end_location As Map = collegs.Get("end_location")
  Dim lng As Double = end_location.Get("lng")
  Dim lat As Double = end_location.Get("lat")
  Dim start_address As String = collegs.Get("start_address")
  Dim end_address As String = collegs.Get("end_address")
  Dim start_location As Map = collegs.Get("start_location")
  Dim lng As Double = start_location.Get("lng")
  Dim lat As Double = start_location.Get("lat")
  Dim via_waypoint As List = collegs.Get("via_waypoint")
  Dim steps As List = collegs.Get("steps")
  For Each colsteps As Map In steps
  Dim html_instructions As String = colsteps.Get("html_instructions")
  Dim duration As Map = colsteps.Get("duration")
  Dim text As String = duration.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = duration.Get("value")
  Dim distance As Map = colsteps.Get("distance")
  Dim text As String = distance.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = distance.Get("value")
  Dim end_location As Map = colsteps.Get("end_location")
  Dim lng As Double = end_location.Get("lng")
  Dim lat As Double = end_location.Get("lat")
  Dim polyline As Map = colsteps.Get("polyline")
  Dim points As String = polyline.Get("points")
  Dim start_location As Map = colsteps.Get("start_location")
  Dim lng As Double = start_location.Get("lng")
  Dim lat As Double = start_location.Get("lat")
  Dim travel_mode As String = colsteps.Get("travel_mode")
Dim warnings As List = colroutes.Get("warnings")
Dim overview_polyline As Map = colroutes.Get("overview_polyline")
Dim points As String = overview_polyline.Get("points")
Last edited:
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Longtime User
You also can use the url,+52353+Düren, Germany&destinations=Hochhausring+21,+52076+Aachen&mode=bicycling&language=fr-FR&sensor=false

To get an result of:

See JSON-Tree-Tutorial to get the source to read that json

Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim status As String = root.Get("status")
Dim destination_addresses As List = root.Get("destination_addresses")
For Each coldestination_addresses As String In destination_addresses
Dim origin_addresses As List = root.Get("origin_addresses")
For Each colorigin_addresses As String In origin_addresses
Dim rows As List = root.Get("rows")
For Each colrows As Map In rows
Dim elements As List = colrows.Get("elements")
For Each colelements As Map In elements
  Dim duration As Map = colelements.Get("duration")
  Dim text As String = duration.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = duration.Get("value")
  Dim distance As Map = colelements.Get("distance")
  Dim text As String = distance.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = distance.Get("value")
  Dim status As String = colelements.Get("status")
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Thank you very much ! I will try it. I don't want to be naughty but could you give me an example of call with httputils ?
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Thank you DonManfred. I was successful with your help, using the following code:
#Region  Project Attributes
    #ApplicationLabel: Tratare json
    #VersionCode: 1
    'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
    #SupportedOrientations: portrait
    #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region

#Region  Activity Attributes
    #FullScreen: False
    #IncludeTitle: True
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
End Sub

Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
    Private descjson As Button
    Private citirejson As WebView
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
End Sub

Sub Activity_Resume

End Sub

Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)

End Sub

Sub descjson_Click
    Dim job As HttpJob
    job.Initialize("jobjson", Me)
End Sub

Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)
    Log("JobName = " & Job.JobName & ", Success = " & Job.Success)
    If Job.Success = True Then
        Select Job.JobName
            Case "jobjson"
        End Select
        Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
        ToastMessageShow("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage, True)
    End If
End Sub

Sub rezolvaJson(jsonfile As String)
    Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim status As String = root.Get("status")
Dim routes As List = root.Get("routes")
For Each colroutes As Map In routes
Dim summary As String = colroutes.Get("summary")
Dim bounds As Map = colroutes.Get("bounds")
Dim southwest As Map = bounds.Get("southwest")
Dim lng As Double = southwest.Get("lng")
Dim lat As Double = southwest.Get("lat")
Dim northeast As Map = bounds.Get("northeast")
Dim lng As Double = northeast.Get("lng")
Dim lat As Double = northeast.Get("lat")
Dim copyrights As String = colroutes.Get("copyrights")
Dim waypoint_order As List = colroutes.Get("waypoint_order")
Dim legs As List = colroutes.Get("legs")
For Each collegs As Map In legs
  Dim duration As Map = collegs.Get("duration")
  Dim text As String = duration.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = duration.Get("value")
  Dim distance As Map = collegs.Get("distance")
'  Log("durata="& distance)
  Dim text As String = distance.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = distance.Get("value")
  Dim end_location As Map = collegs.Get("end_location")
  Dim lng As Double = end_location.Get("lng")
  Dim lat As Double = end_location.Get("lat")
  Dim start_address As String = collegs.Get("start_address")
  Dim end_address As String = collegs.Get("end_address")
  Dim start_location As Map = collegs.Get("start_location")
  Dim lng As Double = start_location.Get("lng")
  Dim lat As Double = start_location.Get("lat")
  Dim via_waypoint As List = collegs.Get("via_waypoint")
  Dim steps As List = collegs.Get("steps")
  For Each colsteps As Map In steps
  Dim html_instructions As String = colsteps.Get("html_instructions")
  Dim duration As Map = colsteps.Get("duration")
  Dim text As String = duration.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = duration.Get("value")
  Dim distance As Map = colsteps.Get("distance")
  Dim text As String = distance.Get("text")
  Dim value As Int = distance.Get("value")
  Dim end_location As Map = colsteps.Get("end_location")
  Dim lng As Double = end_location.Get("lng")
  Dim lat As Double = end_location.Get("lat")
  Dim polyline As Map = colsteps.Get("polyline")
  Dim points As String = polyline.Get("points")
  Dim start_location As Map = colsteps.Get("start_location")
  Dim lng As Double = start_location.Get("lng")
  Dim lat As Double = start_location.Get("lat")
  Dim travel_mode As String = colsteps.Get("travel_mode")
Dim warnings As List = colroutes.Get("warnings")
For Each colwarnings As String In warnings
Dim overview_polyline As Map = colroutes.Get("overview_polyline")
Dim points As String = overview_polyline.Get("points")
Log("durata="& distance)
End Sub
The link i used was: 12, Oradea, Romania&destination=Moldovei, Oradea, Romania&mode=walking&Language=ro-RO

Now i need to get data from the map. So, how can i get from the map first distance from legs, or second leg duration, for example ?
Can you help me ?
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Longtime User
You can rewrite your code like this... replacing foreach with a for loop.
Do with your loop what you need... i=0 first item
i=10 11th item

Sub rezolvaJson(jsonfile As String)
    Dim parser As JSONParser
    Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
    Dim status As String = root.Get("status")
    Dim routes As List = root.Get("routes")
    For Each colroutes As Map In routes
        Dim summary As String = colroutes.Get("summary")
        Dim bounds As Map = colroutes.Get("bounds")
        Dim southwest As Map = bounds.Get("southwest")
        Dim lng As Double = southwest.Get("lng")
        Dim lat As Double = southwest.Get("lat")
        Dim northeast As Map = bounds.Get("northeast")
        Dim lng As Double = northeast.Get("lng")
        Dim lat As Double = northeast.Get("lat")
        Dim copyrights As String = colroutes.Get("copyrights")
        Dim waypoint_order As List = colroutes.Get("waypoint_order")
        Dim legs As List = colroutes.Get("legs")
        For i = 0 To legs.Size -1
            Dim collegs As Map = legs.Get(i)
            Dim duration As Map = collegs.Get("duration")
            Dim text As String = duration.Get("text")
            Dim value As Int = duration.Get("value")
            Dim distance As Map = collegs.Get("distance")
            Log(i&": durata="& distance)
            Dim text As String = distance.Get("text")
            Dim value As Int = distance.Get("value")
            Dim end_location As Map = collegs.Get("end_location")
            Dim lng As Double = end_location.Get("lng")
            Dim lat As Double = end_location.Get("lat")
            Dim start_address As String = collegs.Get("start_address")
            Dim end_address As String = collegs.Get("end_address")
            Dim start_location As Map = collegs.Get("start_location")
            Dim lng As Double = start_location.Get("lng")
            Dim lat As Double = start_location.Get("lat")
            Dim via_waypoint As List = collegs.Get("via_waypoint")
            Dim steps As List = collegs.Get("steps")
            For Each colsteps As Map In steps
                Dim html_instructions As String = colsteps.Get("html_instructions")
                Dim duration As Map = colsteps.Get("duration")
                Dim text As String = duration.Get("text")
                Dim value As Int = duration.Get("value")
                Dim distance As Map = colsteps.Get("distance")
                Dim text As String = distance.Get("text")
                Dim value As Int = distance.Get("value")
                Dim end_location As Map = colsteps.Get("end_location")
                Dim lng As Double = end_location.Get("lng")
                Dim lat As Double = end_location.Get("lat")
                Dim polyline As Map = colsteps.Get("polyline")
                Dim points As String = polyline.Get("points")
                Dim start_location As Map = colsteps.Get("start_location")
                Dim lng As Double = start_location.Get("lng")
                Dim lat As Double = start_location.Get("lat")
                Dim travel_mode As String = colsteps.Get("travel_mode")
        Dim warnings As List = colroutes.Get("warnings")
        For Each colwarnings As String In warnings
        Dim overview_polyline As Map = colroutes.Get("overview_polyline")
        Dim points As String = overview_polyline.Get("points")
    Log("durata="& distance)
End Sub
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Longtime User
Can this function be use to get each point to draw a polyline... tnx
no as you can read in the google documentation. You just have two points (coordinates) which you could connect (draw a line), but this line does not fit the showed ROAD

Maybe there is an API for business for this but i believe it will be not free
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Licensed User
Longtime User
no as you can read in the google documentation. You just have two points (coordinates) which you could connect (draw a line), but this line does not fit the showed ROAD

Maybe there is an API for business for this but i believe it will be not free

Are you sure there isnt an encoded polyline in the result somewhere?
Maybe a number of encoded polylines - one for each stage of the directions.

If so then that (or those) encoded polyline(s) can be decoded and a drawn on a map.
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