I am a bit late on this, but it seems we really live in the past.
According to von Helmholtz (confirmed by Libet&al. later) there's not only a 1/2 second delay between an impulse and its recoding in our brain (mind) due to the propagation of the signal in the nervous system, but the mind even "cancels" that delay showing impulse and consciousness of it as simultaneus.
So our "now" is always 0.5s in the past (for an external observer).
That could lead to a possibility to cancel/modify the past..I mean, your feet hit an obastacle, you intercept and divert the ache signal travelling the nervous system (you have about 0.4s to do it) and nothing should appear at the conscious level so the past was (at least in part) modified. Your mind will never know you hit the obastacle (but you did). So we have two parallel realities: the one saw by the observer (you hit the obastacle) and the one lived by you (not obstacles at all). In a sense they'are both true.
Ok, now let's go back to everyday life and start our paid job again.. ?