Can you understand, or imagine that you are living in the past?


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Whatever you're doing right now, (reading, driving, eating, fighting...etc) will sometime be a past. So in fact we are living in the past of some people who didn't come yet.
How about we enjoy our own past, by seeing ourselves watching our daily activities from the future?


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AW here we go again : my "time" happens this way : "John will have had run the race by the time we arrive."

so those people - will have had seen me after they will have had arrived whle the philosopher declared that what can not have been seen does not exist in the will of the future mind of the past behind one's receding backwards glance.

a tense of verbs describing an action that will have been performed by a certain time. In English this is formed with will have or shall have plus the past participle." ... Therefore, " is both simple and correct.


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You have made me think, with the music that makes me think about the past, present and future.



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makes me think about the past, present and future. For All Time/s
You can put it anywhere you want on that line
not when your're on a parallel time-line - this is not a political statement - but hey, preferences are preferences......."a daily activity from the [group-W-bench] future" - geepeers is it That early?


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What you should care is Now.
2 deep 4 me ?

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what is going to happen in the future that you may not able to control
The may-not-able-to-control future is no worse than the didn't-think-about future, and thus the expected benefit of the did-think-about future is positive (unless may = definite)

So you are better off thinking about the future, at least whilst the expected benefit of doing so is greater than the cost of that thinking.


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thinking about the future
So, it is “Now” that we are thinking about the future. Of course we can do something about “something that likely would happen” before it is too late. And it is Now! ?


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You can’t change what already happened in the past nor no point to worry what is going to happen in the future that you may not able to control. Unless my statement is wrong.

Are you sure you can change anything? Human being, and all creatures for that matter, are the first ever autonomous vehicle .


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I am a bit late on this, but it seems we really live in the past.
According to von Helmholtz (confirmed by Libet&al. later) there's not only a 1/2 second delay between an impulse and its recoding in our brain (mind) due to the propagation of the signal in the nervous system, but the mind even "cancels" that delay showing impulse and consciousness of it as simultaneus.
So our "now" is always 0.5s in the past (for an external observer).

That could lead to a possibility to cancel/modify the past..I mean, your feet hit an obastacle, you intercept and divert the ache signal travelling the nervous system (you have about 0.4s to do it) and nothing should appear at the conscious level so the past was (at least in part) modified. Your mind will never know you hit the obastacle (but you did). So we have two parallel realities: the one saw by the observer (you hit the obastacle) and the one lived by you (not obstacles at all). In a sense they'are both true.

Ok, now let's go back to everyday life and start our paid job again.. ?


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Longtime User
I am a bit late on this, but it seems we really live in the past.
According to von Helmholtz (confirmed by Libet&al. later) there's not only a 1/2 second delay between an impulse and its recoding in our brain (mind) due to the propagation of the signal in the nervous system, but the mind even "cancels" that delay showing impulse and consciousness of it as simultaneus.
So our "now" is always 0.5s in the past (for an external observer).

That could lead to a possibility to cancel/modify the past..I mean, your feet hit an obastacle, you intercept and divert the ache signal travelling the nervous system (you have about 0.4s to do it) and nothing should appear at the conscious level so the past was (at least in part) modified. Your mind will never know you hit the obastacle (but you did). So we have two parallel realities: the one saw by the observer (you hit the obastacle) and the one lived by you (not obstacles at all). In a sense they'are both true.

Ok, now let's go back to everyday life and start our paid job again.. ?
You made me feel creepy. ?


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I didn't. Was expecting something funny about present/past/future based on manipulation of signals..


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I didn't. Was expecting something funny about present/past/future based on manipulation of signals..
What kind of signals you are referring to?
Some kind of push notifications from a server owned by the God? ?
  • Haha
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