I am getting "warning: no version field." and the Javadoc only has the below in it:
This is the full code of the library:
I can not get it to work with the SimpleCompile tool or Eclipse. Please help
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This is the full code of the library:
package co.za.geckcreate.JaaleeCalculateTemp;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.*;
class JaleeCalculateTemps {
// static long Major = 27698;
// static long Minor = 16394;
private static float calcHumidity;
private static float calcTemperature;
private static short ReallyMinor;
public void Caculate(long Minor, long Major){
short Humidity = (short) (Major & 0xFF00);
short Temperature = (short) (((Major & 0x00FF) << 8) | ((Minor & 0xC000) >> 8));
ReallyMinor = (short) (Minor & 0x03FF);
calcHumidity = -6 + 125 * (Humidity / 65536.0f);
calcTemperature = (float) (-46.85 + (175.72 * (Temperature / 65536.0f)));
public static float getCalcHumidity() {
return calcHumidity;
public static void setCalcHumidity(float calcHumidity) {
JaleeCalculateTemps.calcHumidity = calcHumidity;
public static float getCalcTemperature() {
return calcTemperature;
public static void setCalcTemperature(float calcTemperature) {
JaleeCalculateTemps.calcTemperature = calcTemperature;
public static short getReallyMinor() {
return ReallyMinor;
public static void setReallyMinor(short reallyMinor) {
ReallyMinor = reallyMinor;
I can not get it to work with the SimpleCompile tool or Eclipse. Please help