Other Can't wait for Google glass


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Man I can't wait for Google glass. I can see tons of opportunities (esp. for business), assuming hardware is mature.


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Me too!
And read here:

I like very much the idea of Android-powered devices all around us!
Too many years spent only on printers, barcode devices, etc.. finally the "windowed" world is at his end and a new era began!

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I see it more as an intermediary stepping stone to 'something else'. What the something else is I don't know.. but for me it will be less obtrusive. Don't get me wrong - I think that those who get to grips with and understand Google Glass will do well when the 2nd gen comes out..
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I'm just not sure if "the masses" would want to wear them, and how others would accept them in public due to privacy concerns.

Having said that, I actually signed up to be considered for purchasing one and eventually was given a purchase code (good for a week) with which to buy them. I had told myself that I was going to buy them no matter what they the cost but after seeing the price I was shocked to say the least. I thought it over but in the end I decided that they simply were not worth what they were asking. I certainly hope they drastically cut the price if/when they become available to the general public. There is a difference between paying a premium for cutting edge technology and just plain being overpriced, imho. :rolleyes:
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@Kevin, what's the price right now? 1,500? I'm not in the US and it's supposedly not open to non - US residents. As far as privacy goes, I think there's very little of that left anymore...
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Yes, they were $1500 (USD). I hadn't really researched how much they were going for. Honestly I had it in my mind that I would be willing to pay up to $1000 for them and figured they'd probably be less than that, which was why I was so surprised.

I really wanted them (and still do). I went back and forth with myself for several days but in the end I just don't think they are worth $1500, especially considering that in all reality I would probably be too embarrassed to wear them outside of my house. :D

My purchase code is expired by now but I suppose if I ever change my mind I could try requesting one again.
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