Catch hard key


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Longtime User
The camera button has keycode 0x405b but I don't know how you can catch it.


"We don't publish a list of keycodes for keys that are proprietary to our devices. Also, many of these (camera, lock, etc.) are going to be caught at a lower level - like how the camera button will always launch the camera. Even if you do catch that keycode, there's not a way to get around the camera app starting (other than changing the ROM, which we don't support)."
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Licensed User
Now I can try create application which can be connected with button on front face of Omnia 2 and which simulate pressing of camera button.


I create simple prog which try emaulate key, but 5B=91 (0x405b) dont run camera, so I try generate codes from 0 to ...

I found this:
114,370 - green key
115,371 - midle button
117,373 - volume up key
118,374 - volume down key
134,389 - lock screen
223 - off screen / hibernate device
347 - windows menu

but still no camera button..
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I think that you can't catch that key by standard methods(keypress).

I have spent several hours looking for the solution with no success, but i'm nos a .net expert.

I have tried the keycode program in my omnia2 and it can capture all keys except camera key.
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