According to Material Design guidelines it is recommended to set the opacity of a color to a special value instead of making the color lighter or darker. Since the color scheme may change at runtime it is eventually neccessary to adapt the alpha value of a textcolor.

Tags: #MaterialDesign, #Alpha

' Set the opacity for Text
Dim AC As AppCompat
lblTitle.Textcolor = AdjustAlpha( AC.GetThemeAttribute("android:textColorPrimary" ) , 255 *0.54)
' Returns a given color value with adjusted alpha value
Sub AdjustAlpha(intColor As Int, intAlpha As Int) As Int
Dim argb() As Int
argb = GetARGB(intColor)
Return Colors.ARGB(intAlpha, argb(1), argb(2), argb(3))
End Sub
Sub GetARGB(Color As Int) As Int()
' From Erel -->
Dim res(4) As Int
res(0) = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.And(Color, 0xff000000), 24)
res(1) = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.And(Color, 0xff0000), 16)
res(2) = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.And(Color, 0xff00), 8)
res(3) = Bit.And(Color, 0xff)
Return res
End Sub
Tags: #MaterialDesign, #Alpha
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