Change home screen icon grid size?

Mark Read

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
The icons on the phone screen are arranged in a grid (My Cubot Note S is a 5 x 5 grid for example). Some phones, LG or Samsung I think, allow the user to change the grid size.

A friend who really likes his iPhone would like to make a smaller grid so that he can see the icons better without glasses.

I wondered if there is a method / way / library which can do this in Android and/or iOS?

It would be necessary to change the grid size and the size of the icons. Any ideas?

Mark Read

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
In english please!! :)


Licensed User
Longtime User
I try to steer clear of all things Apple 'ish ...

A google search shows ways of making the icons smaller .. but the grid resize thing seems to involve jailbreaking the device.

edit .. this probably applies to Android as well ... many hits on how to change icon size ... but the grid size is another matter.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I wondered if there is a method / way / library which can do this in Android and/or iOS?

It would be necessary to change the grid size and the size of the icons. Any ideas?
Grid size is controlled/changes by the launcher, mine Nova. All launcher I presume has this features.
You do not have to do any thing in the app for it.

