A menuItem make a container Panel visible. In the container is another panel that when clicked, should make the container not visible, but the opCloseCtrl_Click is never executed.
Can anyone see what the problem might be?
Can anyone see what the problem might be?
opContainer.AddView(opCloseCtrl, 45%x, 22%y, 10%x, 45%y)
opCloseCtrl.Visible = True
opContainer.Visible = False
game.Initialize(gv, pad, lblFPS, lblAngle, lblScore, lblDogsRemain, lblPoopRemain, lblCurrLvl, lblShovelsLeft)
Activity.AddMenuItem("Options", "mnuOptions")
End Sub
Sub mnuOptions_Click
opContainer.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub opCloseCtrl_Click
opContainer.Visible = False
End Sub