it's correct.
one panel, some views inside.
event click in each view and event long_click on the panel.
In sub panel_longClick I have to know the object reference to the panel.
Ex :
pnl1 with in btn1, btn2, imgview1, ...
pnl2 with inside btn3, imgview2, ...
pnl1.initialize ("Btn")
pnl2.initialize ("Btn")
btn1.initialize ("Btn")
btn2.initialize ("Btn")
btn3.initialize ("Btn")
imageview1.initialize ("imgv")
imageview1.initialize ("imgv")
sub btn_click
dim btn as button
btn = sender
end sub
sub imgv_click
dim imgv as imageview
imgvn = sender
end sub
sub pnl_longClick
dim pnl as panel
pnl = sender
dim s1 as string = pnl.tag
... i must work with 'pnl' ... to move the panel and its views!
end sub
Hello and Thank You