iOS Question [CLOSED] Get the Beacon Transmit Power


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Based on this :

For Each Beacon As NativeObject In Beacons
        Dim UUID As String = Beacon.GetField("proximityUUID").AsString
        Dim Major As Int = Beacon.GetField("major").AsNumber
        Dim Minor As Int = Beacon.GetField("minor").AsNumber
        Dim proximity As Int = Beacon.GetField("proximity").AsNumber '0 = unknown, 1 = immediate, 2 = near, 3 = far
        Dim rssi As Int = Beacon.GetField("rssi").AsNumber
        Dim beaconName As String = clsBeacons.get_asset_name(Major & Minor)

What is the field name that hold the transmit power, I need this to calc the distance from the beacon. I have a iOS app called Dartie and it show the distance from the beacons it has scanned.




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Check the beacon parser class
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Thanks for the response, I installed the example and it crash's on iPhone 7 ios13.x. I am using the background scanning for beacons and use the LocManager_DidRangeBeacons to get a list of beacons. It would be great if there was a list of all the fields available in the beacon nativeobject or indeed get the advertising data then I could use the beacon parser class.
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