I wanted to use a series of ComboBoxes, to hold option values for a series of parameters for rows in a database (originally an Excel Sheet, but I have saved it as a CSV, and also copied it to a SQLite db).
I load a selected CSV file into a Table control, and save it back after updates..
In order to indicate null fields, I wanted to have an 'empty' row ("") - since you can't set the Combo index to -1..(without re-loading the list).
I edited the lists in the designer, but it seems that empty strings are not saved, so I added an 'Insert(0,"")' statement in App_Start.
I also had to write a Sub to select the appropriate option (or 0) when reading from a Table Cell. Also, because you can't have multiple columns, I include the value and description in the list - like "1 (Good)","2 (Fair)","3 (Poor)","4 (Bad)" - then strip off the 'help' text when saving the value:
(I realise I could have used arrays/ArrayLists to hold the 'codes' and only display the description, but this way users could select an option using the 'code', if they want).
I load a selected CSV file into a Table control, and save it back after updates..
In order to indicate null fields, I wanted to have an 'empty' row ("") - since you can't set the Combo index to -1..(without re-loading the list).
I edited the lists in the designer, but it seems that empty strings are not saved, so I added an 'Insert(0,"")' statement in App_Start.
I also had to write a Sub to select the appropriate option (or 0) when reading from a Table Cell. Also, because you can't have multiple columns, I include the value and description in the list - like "1 (Good)","2 (Fair)","3 (Poor)","4 (Bad)" - then strip off the 'help' text when saving the value:
(I realise I could have used arrays/ArrayLists to hold the 'codes' and only display the description, but this way users could select an option using the 'code', if they want).
cboType.Insert(0,"") ' add 'null' option
sTmp = tblData.Cell("CType",Row) ' Get value
Find(sTmp,cboType.Name) ' Pass value and Control name..
sTmp = cboType.Item(cboType.SelectedIndex) ' value + description, e.g. "c (Concrete)"
sTmp=RTrim(sTmp) ' I know these lines could be combined, but it was useful to step through/over during debug..
Sub Find(sValue, sControl)
' Dim oCombo As Control ' this doesn't work!
' oCombo = Control(sControl) ' I wanted to re-use a reference..
iIndex = 0 ' default (not found)
sValue = sValue & " " ' add space to avoid matching sub-strings
If StrCompare(ControlType(sControl),"ComboBox") <> 0 Then Return
iLen = StrLength(sValue) ' number of characters to compare
For iLoop=0 To Control(sControl,"ComboBox").Count - 1
sTmp = Control(sControl,"ComboBox").Item(iLoop)
sTmp = SubString(sTmp,0,iLen) ' extract 'value' (+ " ")
If StrCompare(sTmp, sValue)=0 Then ' ignore case
iIndex = iLoop
End If
Control(sControl,"ComboBox").SelectedIndex= iIndex
End Sub
Sub RTrim(sTmp)
' return first word (up to space)
itmp = StrIndexOf(sTmp," ",0) ' first space
If itmp > 0 Then sTmp = SubString(sTmp,0,itmp)
Return sTmp ' returns whole string, if 'value only'
End Sub