Buenos días, alguien sabe si existe una función que compare cadenas, y si existen diferencias, devuelva el trozo de cadena que no es igual. Yo lo hago a mi manera, pero quiero saber si existe algo ya. Gracias
Dim S1 As String = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party"
Dim S2 As String = "It was the time for good women to come to the aid of the men too"
Log("S1 = """ & S1 & """")
Log("S2 = """ & S2 & """")
Log("TO GET FROM S1 TO S2:")
WhatChanged(S1, S2)
Sub WhatChanged(S1 As String, S2 As String)
If S1.Length = 0 And S2.Length = 0 Then
'nothing to do
else if S1.Length = 0 Then
Log("delete """ & S2 & """")
else if S2.Length = 0 Then
Log("add """ & S1 & """")
For L = S1.Length To 5 Step -1 'less than 5 = just do replacement
For P1 = 0 To S1.Length - L
Dim LookFor As String = S1.SubString2(P1, P1 + L)
Dim P2 As Int = S2.IndexOf(LookFor)
If P2 >= 0 Then
WhatChanged(S1.SubString2(0, P1), S2.SubString2(0, P2))
Log("keep """ & LookFor & """")
WhatChanged(S1.SubString(P1 + L), S2.SubString(P2 + L))
End If
Log("replace """ & S1 & """ with """ & S2 & """")
End If
End Sub
Waiting for debugger to connect...
Program started.
S1 = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party"
S2 = "It was the time for good women to come to the aid of the men too"
replace "Now i" with "It wa"
keep "s the time for "
replace "all good " with "good wo"
keep "men to come to the aid of the "
replace "party" with "men too"
Waiting for debugger to connect...
Program started.
S1 = "Ahora es el momento de que todos los hombres de bien acudan en ayuda de la fiesta"
S2 = "También era el momento de que las mujeres de bien acudieran en ayuda de los hombres"
replace "Ahora es" with "También era"
keep " el momento de que "
replace "todos los homb" with "las muje"
keep "res de bien acud"
delete "ier"
keep "an en ayuda de l"
replace "a fiesta" with "os hombres"
Te has ganado esa cerveza... ¿cuándo pasas por Sevilla y te invito?Pensé que podría gustarte. ?
sobre todo si quieres rock and roll.