I had these lines of code in my program
What I meant to type is this
Wanted the word AND but somehow typed Then.
Why was I allowed two Then's in one line?
Is the first a real valid statement or a compiler bug?
The code compiled and ran fine. Well fine is a relative statement.
The first set of code thought my sGPS_SendTo was Not Null which it wasn't but it Thought the Object sGPS_SendTo was Paused but it was not
If sGPS_SendTo <> Null Then IsPaused(sGPS_SendTo) Then
Log("GPS SendTo is Paused")
End If
What I meant to type is this
If sGPS_SendTo <> Null And IsPaused(sGPS_SendTo) Then
Log("GPS SendTo is Paused")
End If
Wanted the word AND but somehow typed Then.
Why was I allowed two Then's in one line?
Is the first a real valid statement or a compiler bug?
The code compiled and ran fine. Well fine is a relative statement.
The first set of code thought my sGPS_SendTo was Not Null which it wasn't but it Thought the Object sGPS_SendTo was Paused but it was not